We support learning in the most natural, developmentally appropriate way possible. We are hands on and into messy, exploratory play! All programs are child led with teachers to guide the children into deeper exploration. We maintain a familiar daily rhythm to provide a safe, grounding, and general structure from which the children freely play. As the children spend time in the same forest classroom each week they develop a sense of connectedness, mastery of environment, and awareness of changes in the forest. This awareness of seasonal and weather changes leads to great child-led, impromptu experiences!
Project Approach
While interacting with nature, children’s questions and observations provide the roadmap for short and long term investigations and projects that integrate math, science, and literacy. Children become motivated storytellers and writers as they document their observations of a robin’s nest. They use math in meaningful ways as they predict and record the number of days it will take for a butterfly to emerge from a pupa, for example.
Here are some ways children learn math and science through play in the forest:
• Compare sizes of sticks needed to build a fort
• Measure how much water we need to make runny vs solid mud
• Sort nature materials by type/color/texture
• Count critters we see in the forest
• Make different size piles of leaves (brown and green)
• Problem solve how to set beams and ropes to make slopes and pulleys
Productive Play
Young children learn best through purposeful and productive play. Outdoor play experiences such as building a fort or digging a channel between two puddles provide children with opportunities to practice the social and intellectual skills of planning, problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration.
Building fairy houses under the canopy of the oak trees, turning over logs to look for worms, and harvesting fresh vegetables for snacks from our gardens are just a few of the ways that children engage all their senses.
Creative Learning
The beauty of the forest and woods inspire joyful self-expression and creativity through the arts. Natural materials are incorporated into painting, drawing, weaving and sculptural experiences that allow children to visually convey their ideas and emotions.
We offer both full day and half day drop-off options:
Five-day from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Ages under 4: Two, three, and five-day from 8:00 am - noon includes breakfast and snacks
Ages over 4: Two, three, and five-day from 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm includes snacks for afterschool
This is the rhythm of an average day:
Morning Session
8:00am Greetings
Children hang up items and sign in at the table, then settle in at our meetup spot or participate in prepared activities until all children have arrived.
8:30am Circle and Breakfast
Two or three messages about our day, theme of the week, or things to remember will be discussed with the children through stories and message boards. We may focus on a themed book where children will be be free to recreate the book's adventures during their outdoor play.
Light breakfast is served.
8:45am Dress for Outdoors and Outside Time
We will spend time outside every day learning through play exploring in Forest Park, using what we find on the trails, digging in the dirt and hiking the trails
Children recall the things that they discussed earlier. This is also a time to reflect on the things that they enjoy and to talk through any other situations that may have occurred that they would like to discuss.
10:15am Snack and Songs/Stories and Free Play
We will enjoy snack outside in fresh air on our picnic blankets, sing songs and share stories
We enjoy free play in our space or explore a different spot
11:15am Clean Up and Line Up
Children are responsible and work together with teachers in the clean-up and line-up
11:30am to 12noon Half Day Pickup
Half Day students are pickup up
12:00noon Lunch (Full Day programs only)
***Nap and Rest Time***
Afterschool Session
3:30pm Snack and Songs/Stories
Our afternoon focus is fine motor skills and finger work, in contrast to morning's gross motor development. This may include a nature craft or cooking!
4:00am Dress for Outdoors and Outside Time
4:45pm Cleanup and Return to School​
5:00pm Free Play
5:30pm Cleanup and Farewell
Seasonal activities are incorporated into our programs.